Behind the Scenes

Electisa Spears, RN
Electisa Spears, RN is the Owner and Administrator of Blessit Hands Personal Care Agency. She was born and raised in Milwaukee, WI and is a dedicated mother of two who values family and religion. As a child Electisa always had the desire for helping others and in fact, she often told people that she wanted to be a doctor or nurse when she grew up. She began her career as a Medical Assistant in 2005 after graduating with an Associate degree from Bryant & Stratton College. She knew right away that she wanted to provide a more invasive level of care to patients and in 2006 enrolled in the Nursing Program at Bryant & Stratton College where she obtained her Associates degree in 2008. She has over 15 years of training and experience in the medical field where she is known for her compassion and dedication to serving her community. Over the last 15 years she has had the opportunity to work in many areas of nursing, helping people from many diverse cultural backgrounds. She strongly believes in the saying “treat others as you would want to be treated” because one day you too could need the help of another. Therefore, she prides herself in treating all patients with dignity and respect and promotes quality of care and patient independence. Her mission is to touch one person’s life at a time by lending a Blessit Hand.
At Blessit Hands
We believe that God has a hand in everything that we do! We like to think of our hands as a blessing because they complete daily tasks that our clients are unable to complete themselves due to an illness or disability. Our goal is to be a blessing to all of our clients, their families and everything that we touch! Therefore, whomever or whatever we touch, we want to Blessit!